Denzel Curry - King of the Mischievious South: REVIEW
Yo, yo, yo! What’s good, fam? It’s ya boy Denzel back on the block, an' this time we gonna be droppin’ the lowdown on my namesake, my main man Denzel Curry’s new joint. Aight, so listen up y'all. This album rollout was straight up messy, word. First, homie dropped that “King of the Mischievous South 2” tape back on 19th July. Then outta nowhere, he re-releases it with some extra tracks, and just calls it “King of the Mischievous South.” Like, Denzel already gots this OTHER album named "KOTMS1" so then ya get a whole new album??? Nah, nah, it ain't flowin' right b. Who’s runnin’ the poor plannin' up in this circus? But yo, forget the drama, let’s talk about the music. Now back in July, y'all may have remembered ya boy reviewed KOTMS2. We gonna be mergin' n' rewritin' parts of that review n' stickin' em in here. Thank you Mr. Curry for the xtra work, nahmean? But yo, enough of the jokes, let's get to it. The songs son threw i