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Showing posts from March, 2025

REVIEW - Larry June, 2Chainz, and the Alchemist: Life is Beautiful

What up, what up, what the heck's up y'all!? This ya boy Young Denzel AKA the Ernest Newman of the 2020s, ya feel me??? an' we back up in this mothafucka for real yo!! Today we gonna be windin' the tape back a lil' for y'all an' reviewin' that Larry June, 2Chainz joint that dropped 7th February of last month. Now I was sleepin' hard on this joint cause, yo, life was gettin' mad hectic for a brother, nahmean? Sometimes you jus' gotta step away from the keyboardin' ish n focus on health, wealth, an' knowledge of yaself. But chill b, this top notch rap reviewer ova here ain't been jus' sittin' on his laurels eatin' grapes n' shit, NAWWW, I been cookin' up more dope ish for all y'all lil internettin' cats to vibe wit' on here. So we gettin' into this joint, an' the homie Alchemist (Alc 4 short) laced this here tape, so I'm gonna be holdin' ALLLL these cats to a higher typa standard, nams...