Ayo, ayo, what the heck's up y'all? This ya boy Denzel back in the buildin', an' today we're gonna be reviewin' more stuff I slept on - this time it's JPEGMafia's "I Lay Down My Life For You" album. This thing ain't really been on my radar, but it got massive hype, nahmean? I mean, I been knowin' son's out there since, like, 2021, I think?? but ain't really checked anythin' of son's out cause he's kinda like an edgy Tyler the Creator. Son tweets some dumb stuff 'bout white people n' shit. But yo, son dropped this album, so we gonna see how it goes. Let's hop in:
I Scream This in Mirror Before I Interact With Anyone - First thing we gotta get ova is the weird-ass titles son gives his tracks. Let's play it.
This beat kinda soundin' all scattery an' I ain't really hearin' what son's rappin' 'bout here. He kinda soundin' like Childish Gambino wit' the "Childish" emphasised, nahmean? It's aight I guess, but I ain't gettin' nuthin' out of it.
Beats - 6/10
Lyrics - 5/10
Sin Miedo - Ohh. I like how this startin' out!! That sample loop MAD CREATIVE son! I ain't gonna front, first verse ova that beat goin' STUPID HARD y'all! Thing jus' kinda goes into abstract typa mess into the third verse, which afta lookin' up the lyrics coulda been doper. IT's aight, nuthin' I'mma come back to, but DANG, son's first verse cleared yo!
Beats - 6/10
Lyrics - 6/10
I'll Be Right There - I kinda like how we startin' out here wit' the looped effects n' whatnot. This verse pretty dope, the beat kinda inteferin' wit' it tho'. This one dope, son got in a lotta bars wit' some decent rhymin'. I vibes wit' this.
Beats - 6/10
Lyrics - 8/10
It's Dark And Hell is Hot - I can't believe son jus' bit the title off a DMX joint. This betta be good, b. This beat wit' all these samples REALLY well made y'all, I don't understand how son did it but yo, it's dope, on me! These lyrics tho'...they mad disorganised. Son soundin' like he ramblin' too much here on the first verse, ain't meshin' too much wit' the beat. Son needs to quit bitin' titles if he ain't gonna live up to 'em, word.
Beats - 8/10
Lyrics - 5/10
New Black History ft. Vince Staples - Vince startin' this thing out right spittin' summa the illest stuff on this tape so far. Peggy's verse dope too, kinda less n' doin' that scattered thing son's always on, but it's aight. This one dope.
Beats - 7/10
Lyrics - 7/10
Don't Rely on Other Men ft. Freaky - That intro sample dope y'all. I ain't feelin' the vocal effects here one bit. The whole thing be kinda soundin' like son's havin' a big argument wit' hisself an' ain't winnin'. It really ain't the best thing to listen to, Freaky's verse also kinda soundin' schizo, like son in here gettin' electro shock therapy while he rappin'. This thing soundin' terrible y'all, like sumbody up in here recordin' two guys havin' a mental breakdown afta smokin' weed laced wit' sumthin'. Skip.
Beats - 8/10
Lyrics - 4/10
Vulgar Display of Power - Son's first verse here mad dope. We got a tight straight-up barfest wit'out none of them effects n' shit. Son got a Method Man sample on the hook. Huh, that's dope, word. The mixin' here is what's kinda tickin' me off a bit, but I ain't too mad at it. Son's lyrics is dope an' that'll make this one listenable.
Beats - 6/10
Lyrics - 8/10
Exmilitary - This startin' out kinda dope. Oh yeah, this the type of stuff I'm hopin' for. The beat's dope n' creative, n' son's got dope lyrics, an' pretty aight rhymes. Word is bond tho' y'all, I don't be likin' how son mixes a whole buncha mess into these beats n' got it soundin' logical like 50% of the time. Ya gotta come correct 100% of the time, or else I'mma jus' come right out n' call you wack if you is doin' wack shit, b. Ain't no way I'mma accept that this is "ahh, exprimental, son jus' doin' his own thang" if it ain't hittin' my eardrums right. I ain't deaf, b, my eardrums got they opinions too. Word.
This here third verse mix for instance the kinda thing I'm talkin' 'bout. This thing soundin' like son been tryna mix rap n' death metal. It's aight, kinda hits, but it's missin' SUMTHIN'. That SPARK. I can't put my finger on it, it needs that...SPARK, ya feel me? Outro sample's dope tho', word.
Beats - 7/10
Lyrics - 8/10
Jihad Joe - I like this track's title y'all. Hope it goes hard or sumthin'. That first verse DOPE if ya can get past all them vocal effects son puts on, which makes it annoyin' as hell. Second verse tho'...that ain't hittin'. Jus' summa that scream rap, coulda been dope but nah, it ain't hittin'. I kno' son tryna do a death metal kinda thing, but nah...this ain't it. Complete nonsense finishin' off, b.
Beats - 6/10
Lyrics - 7/10
JPEGUltra! ft. Denzel Curry - Oh Denzel on this?! Word?! Shit 'boutta go down, y'all! First verse SLAPS. Son killed that kinda wack n' goofy beat Peggy done gone an' cooked up here. I kinda woulda liked more of that, namsayin'? Thing sounded like Denzel was kinda havin' to fight the beat to stay coherant, but son's got talent n' survived. Bravo son, dope ish ya spat right there!
Peggy's rappin' now an' his verse kinda dope too, son actually keepin' up wit' Denzel. But yo, Peggy got hisself ova this kinda normal boombap beat, but done gone n' given Denzel all them horns n' synths n' vocal snippet enhanced soup to rap ova. Son jus' gotta be messin' wit' his features at this point, b. Any otha rapper but Denzel woulda gotten lost in all that mess. This thing now got ANOTHA beat switch. Peggy kinda remindin' me 'bout summa them Freddie Gibbs Pinata raps on this third verse, summa the same style, voice inflection n' shit like that. This whole song dope tho', I vibes wit' it HEAVY, an' not jus' cause Denzel conquered a mad silly beat.
Beats - 6/10
Lyrics - 8/10
Either on or Off the Drugs - This track actually dope. The beat sample's a vibe. We got this "I keep the cannon like Nick" line which is kinda corny, but I vibes wit' this. Kinda wish son's second verse went longer. This one a powerful vibe y'all. Gotta be the best jam on this album so far.
Beats - 8/10
Lyrics - 9/10
Loop it and Leave It - This one's kinda dope, It jus' seemin' like filler tho'. I like the beat, it's tight, mixin's much much betta, y'all. Son kinda gettin' his Lil Wayne on wit' summa these rhymes but it's aight.
Beats - 7/10
Lyrics - 6/10
Don't Put Anything on The Bible ft. Buzzy Lee - I don't know who this chick son got sangin' here is but the thing goin' on way too long y'all. Chick's a great singer n' all, but like I always say, I don't be wantin' this on RAP ALBUMS, that stuff's for POP CHARTS. Yikes, y'all. Son better come witta dope rap on the second verse n' kill this. His verse is kinda dope, got a few weak bars but it's aight. Shoulda been betta mixed tho', word.
Beats - 6/10
Lyrics - 7/10
I Recovered From This - DANG, this sample hits like heck y'all! The beat's kinda soft, but it's aight. I like this outro. Got some corny lines, especially the racism lines makin' me cringe cause we all saw son crashin' out, but it's aight. Good outro son.
Beats - 7/10
Lyrics - 7/10
I kinda vibed wit' this, but also hated summa that stuff. Let's add everything up y'all:
All in all this joint's aight. I ain't vibin' wit' a LOTTA stuff on here, but I ain't gonna mind puttin' on summa this tape if I'm in the mood for sum weird, off the wall typa shit or sumthin'. I do got a few problems which I'm gonna whine 'bout, so if y'all don't like the whine session, y'all can skip. Now that all that warnin's outta the way, I'mma get onto whinin'.
First, I don't think son NEEDS to be puttin' as much stuff as he do in them beats. I ain't gonna front y'all, son's samplin' game's TIGHT, son kills his samples almost every time. My issue is he goes OVERBOARD. There's sucha thin' as too little, like when summa these rappers jus' rappin' ova a drum, an' such a thin' as too much. In hiphop, beats got what I like to call a "taste" to em yo. They kinda like the spices of the whole thing, nahmean?
I'mma use Madvillainy as an example since most y'all be knowin' that tape. DOOM'S lyrics is the food, an' Madlib, the DJ/producer, he gotta season it. Son throws in a drum loop, summa that jazz or funk, plus maybe a snippet he got outta a cartoon or old flick from the 30s. That's like he gets his salt n' pepper n' maybe rosemary or cumin or sumthin' an' that's it. Then he serves it up. Whole thing's tight n' dope n' we all love Madlib for that.
Peggy's approach different though. On summa these beats son does the Madlib thing, salt n' pepper, n' maybe a lil' bit of dill or sumthin'. But on otha beats yo, son dumps the whole spice cabinet in. Son got salt, pepper, cumin, mint, cloves, rosemary, thyme, dill, chili powder, sunflower seeds, seven different sauces, an' vinegar. N' all that kinda sounds nice in his head I'm sure, but dumpin' all this on jus' ruins the beats for my ears, b. You got all these drums an' horns an' mess up in here, plus a whole buncha death metal, an' I for one ain't NEVA vibed wit' death metal, an' second I ain't gonna be knowin' what I'm gonna focus on here son. My brain try to think 'bout the cymbals, y'all throw in horns. I try to focus on the horns, y'all throw in Brazilian jazz. I ain't able to jus' pay attention to it well, ya feel me?
Second, son's got a lotta lines in these tracks 'bout not bein' racist 'gainst whites. Now, I remember earlier this year, Peggy was goin' full Kanye on us an' crashin' out 'bout white man bein' the devil n' shit, so I'mma look them tweets up again right now n' see what son said, word for word.
Aight. 9 months ago son was drunk as all get out an' tweeted at a white person:
"Because your entire race is dense and violent, and stupid as fuck why would not talk about the one group of people that fucked up the entire world? How many people have died historically from white mens insecurity. Guess".
To me personally, all this mess on the album 'bout not bein' racist kinda seemin' like Peggy's attempt to cover up for actually believin' that mess an' it leakin' when son got drunk. Either son was lyin' then, or he lyin' now, an' I ain't no judge so I ain't gonna make a clear case for which. But yo, getcha act togetha Peggy.
I ain't gonna front, son got a mad creative album. This the kinda thing I think frat boys is gonna be feelin' more than me, but it's aight. Still, getcha act togetha, b. Peace!
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