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Kendrick Lamar - GNX: REVIEW

What the heck is up y'all! Big day today! Ya boy Denzel's up in here an' we got that fresh tape y'all been waitin' half the year for - that Kendrick Lamar album. Son got ME excited for this, an' I ain't really too keen on son being Greatest Of All Time or nuthin' like that. But yo, this thing dropped an' I was gonna be reviewin' Ice Cube's new tape, n' maybe playin' Damu the Fudgemunk's new beat tape too (in case y'all ain't checked, Damu, a certified legend in the beat game dropped. Check son's tape out here: But YO, I was kinda bored, an' then saw this Kendrick Lamar stuff poppin' up all ova my feed. I was kinda like "Huh, someone's trollin' I guess". So I went to the Spotify - BANG, stuff's plastered all ova the place! Ya boy was an hour late, but I got it. So, enuff talk, let's get into this!

wacced out murals - I love the sample startin' off here. This beat kinda dark, but real tough. Dang, son jus' comin' out an' sayin' "Fuck everybody, God got me". Yikes. Then he cuts out sumthin' like he did on that "Watch the Party Die" track. Got me wonderin' what that thing was.

That sample hits like heck. The beat drop an' son's flow in the second verse, that top notch rappin' right there! This track's a barfest, son's addressin' a whole lotta mess that's been goin' down, like Wayne dissin' him, an' Drake whinin' still, an' a whole buncha online gossip 'bout son. Ooh, seems like son took a shot at the labels too y'all. "Fuck your hiphop! I watch the party just die!" Daaaannnng. "Wacked the murals out, but it ain't no legend if my legend ends!"

Beats - 8/10

Lyrics - 9/10 


squabble up - This is that thing y'all was callin "Broccoli Sample" offa the "Not Like Us" music video. Dang, when I heard son dropped this for real, I jus' lost it, word is bond. That sample soundin' like son ripped it off one of them "Now That's Music: Top 30 Hits" discs, an' that's why I like it. Shit don't match at all an' HITS cause of that. Y'all know what I mean. 

This thing a bop. Son jus' throwin' bar afta bar, flowin' like heck. Hook make me wanna dance or sumthin'. Ooh, there's summa them "Not Like Us" type chants again. I AIN'T NEVA heard Kendrick goin' off like this. Dang this thing hits. "Tell me why the fuck you niggas rap if it's fictional!?" Killer line y'all! Son jus' on his horror movie tip, killin' everybody to bops y'all.

Beats - 10/10

Lyrics - 9/10


luther ft. SZA - This one kinda aight. I like the beat. Kinda seems a lil' bit soft in a way, but y'all know it's still gonna be a vibe. "It's a bop" yeah, son ain't really tryna do anythin' too fancy wit' this one. SZA's hook kind nice. This thin' got a brotha feelin' like he gonna grow wings an' float 'round sum clouds or sumthin'. Not anythin' I'm gonna be returnin' to, I don't hate or nuthin', jus' not the typa thing I be wantin' from Kenny, yo.

Beats - 6/10

Lyrics - 7/10


man at the garden - This thing kinda startin' quiet. Kenny soundin' really tensed up in here wit' this "I deserve it all" thin' son keep repeatin'. It hits tho', ain't a bad track, I like this thing, dark kinda vibes. This thing feel really deep. This thing really cuttin' into me, like this on summa them real tense, mental warfare kinda thin'. That endin' flow, - that HITS. "Tell me why you think you deserve the greatest of all time?!" Dang. HARD endin', b.

Beats -7/10

Lyrics - 9/10


 hey now ft. Dody6 - This thin' soundin' like son recycled the sample off "squabble out". Ooh, this thing's MAD TIGHT. "You play god, you gon' get whatchu ask for". 6God anyone??

This thin' anotha Drake this. Mad dope track, hook hits like heck. Son's DJ musta been workin' overtime on summa these beats y'all. Woah1 Son changed his flow like heck! Dang! This thing soundin' FIRE! Beat changin' up the samplin' too! Kinda gives me ideas for things ya boy could do wit' his beats. DANG.

The vocal effects son got here kinda odd to me, but this whole thing DOPE AS HECK y'all. Certified. Dody6, I don't know son, but he got a dope verse where son's tradin' bars wit' Kenny. The subject matta kinda off, he don't gel wit' Kendrick like I was hopin', but son did his thing, an' held his own. Shit still mad dope y'all, WORD!

Beats - 10/10

Lyrics - 8/10


reincarnated - This thing's sample kinda soundin' familiar. Ohhhh heck....son did not just imitate Tupac to a T, y'all. AYO, y'all need to get out here n' here this y'all. Son soundin' JUS' LIKE PAC. Son parrotin' his voice on purpose n' flow n' alla that to a T.

This song mad dope. Son's doin' this imitation shit on purpose. By imitatin' Tupac's flow an' voice an' even the beat type Pac used to be spittin' ova, Kenny's sayin' HE IS TUPAC REINCARNATED. 

This third verse real deep. Son's kinda like talkin' in riddles if ya get me. He's talkin' to his "Father". Then we kinda get the idea this is actually Lucifer protestin' to God. An' God tells Lucifer that he's a bitter fool an' that the sucka's been manipulatin' man wit' music for centuries...but yo, God's now appointed Kendrick to save music from Satan hisself. There ain't no precedence for this kinda track. Son done gone into a whole 'notha dimension an' left us all in Normal-land. Y'all, this thing DEEP, this thing, MEANINGFUL, this thing DOPE.

Beats - 8/10

Lyrics - 10/10


tv off - I love the jazz intro on this, plus him flowin' ova it is COLD. This thin' yet ANOTHA banga, dang!! 

"I get on they ass, yeah, somebody gotta do it

I'll make them niggas mad, yeah, somebody gotta do it

I'll take their G-pass, shit, watch a nigga do it

Huh, we survived outside, all from the music, nigga, what?"

That hook CLEARS on me!

Then we got:

"Hey, what's up, though?

I hate a bitch that's hatin' on a bitch and they both hoes

I hate a nigga hatin' on them niggas and they both broke"

This thing gotta be a shot at Drake an' Cole. Drake's the bitch that's been hatin' on a bitch (Cole, who got dissed a lil' too), an' the Marshmallow Messiah's ALSO the nigga that's been hatin' on those nigga's an' they both broke. Son jus' called Drake n' Cole broke hoes y'all. 

Oh, this beat switch...OH, DANG. It's frickin' DJ Mustard on this one huh?! Son jus' killed this beat, this one gonna be the year-end anthem.

Beats - 10/10

Lyrics - 9/10


dodger blue ft. Ink, Roddy Rich, Sam Dew - This beat kinda soft, but it's aight. Kenny's verse pretty nice, I like the flow here, y'all. The hook real fine. This soundin' kinda like G-funk almost.

Beats - 6/10

Lyrics - 7/10


peekaboo - Hard intro goin' in here, dang. There's some shots son takin' at Drake wit' that "Why you takin' shots on IG live?" bar. Second guy also pretty dope spitta. Third verse goin' hard, this whole thing dope y'all. These two boys spittin' HARD. 

Edit: Second guy's AzChike who had to step things up a bit.

Beats - 7/10

Lyrics - 8/10


heart part 6 - We gettin' more of them Latino music samples. This soundin' real fine. Kenny's talkin' 'bout his come up...dang this flow so smooth. Son's hook slaps too, b. I'm kinda wonderin' if this thing connects any to that track Gambino dropped this year, Hearts Were Meant to Fly, or sumthin' like that. Gotta double check n see y'all.

Beats - 8/10

Lyrics - 9/10


gnx - This thing hittin'. Piano sample kinda odd sorta choice but I ain't gonna hate, still dope. Kendrick startin' off right. Second guy, Peysoh, is pretty dope too, he ain't got the rhymes but son held it down wit' sum dope flows. 

Hitta came out spittin' pretty dope. This verse probably gonna be the best in this song, word. Kenny's hook mad dope too. Ain't too sure why Young Threat's verse kinda on the Acapella tip, but it's a dope outro y'all.

Beats - 8/10

Lyrics - 8/10


gloria - This thing a dedication to son's wife, Whitney. Love this thing, it really got summa them soulful vibes in it. SZA's singin' in the hook an' not gonna lie, this real fine. That beat perfect for this, word. I could play this beat jus' by itself all day, b. This thing got me thinkin' 'bout my girl, this ish mad dope son. That endin' bar kills it, you. Y'all gotta play this at least once, on me!

Beats - 10/10

Lyrics - 9/10


That was mad dope y'all. Let's tally things up:



So lemme finish this up wit' y'all. Shit's mad dope, an' here's hopin' we get physical copies one day. We got sum tracks I ain't vibin' wit', like "luther". I don't be likin' that soft sing songy type thing son got on there. Not sayin' it's ALL WACK, jus' ain't what I be wantin' from Kendrick, b. What son done gone n' done on reincarnated tho'... Ayo, if y'all don't think that TUFF,  y'all Betta get yaselves new ears n' all, nahmean? Get yaselves checked for mentL stability. This thing got a shot a Drake too I'm thinkin'. Kenny's kinda tellin' Champagne Floppy in a roundabout way "Ayo, soyboy, I ain't gotta use AI to sound like PAC, I just gotta grab a mic an' do it". That's dope son, ya killed his style too.

There's a heckuva lotta shots here too. Folks kinda replyin', we got Snoop sayin' it was edibles (yea sure) an' Wayne up in here already:

Aight. I'mma take time outta my busy day to address this y'all. YOU was the kid mad afta Kendrick got the Superbowl instead of your broke up ass, an' son ain't even tried hard for it or nuthin'. Then you was still sayin' Kenny done gone an' yanked it away. Weezy, a lotta rappers wouldn't even given ya a chance wit' all the whinin' you been doin'. You mad blessed Kenny ain't really dissed ya too hard, son even said he liked ya tape. Plus afta ya lost to King Push, ain't no way you gonna be bodyin' Kendrick Fuckin Lamar. Miss me wit' this lameness yo.

On that, the king's out for now. Hope y'all enjoyed this an' stay tuned for more. Peace!


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