What the heck's up y'all, this ya boy Young Denzel back in the grind once again. Ya boy been tryna take a couple weeks off to focus on sum personal shit,but word, that's all over now.
We got this new tape fresh outta the box from Central Cee, the UK stunner hisself. Now son had a verse on Ice Spice's Y2K album, an' I ain't gonna lie to y'all - that was WACK, on me!! Let's see if son comin' wit' the fire here, y'all never know, he could change up, word.
No Introduction - Son startin' out aight. He got this kinda choir intro wit' a lack of strong drums tho'. What the hell is this beat, shit summa that discount trap b? Feels too trance like to me, word. Son comin' out talkin' 'bout his "car engine farting". Ayo.... y'all been hangin' round Ice Spice too much.
Son's flow aight, but it kinda soundin' off here an' there. The last verse confusin' as hell.
Beats - 4/10
Lyrics - 5/10
5 Star - Son startin' off wit' what he musta thought was a hard bar: "If you got what it takes I'll take it". You gonna take it, huh b? How in the nine hells is ya gonna do that shit? Huh? Don't even make sense, word.
A lotta this stuff half hard bars bout how rich son is. He even sayin' "I'm in the mirror, I'm feelin' myself, I'm kinda vain". THAT'S how you be braggin' on yaself huh? Geesh. Then we got this dumb line the kid jus' stuck in:
"They can't keep my name out their mouth. Sus they actually might be"
This summa that Gen Alpha typa mess an' son didn't even rhyme it wit' jack. The beat aight at least.
Beats - 6/10
Lyrics - 6/10
Gate ft. Young Miko - I dunno who this cat he got sangin' in some foreign language is, but he aight. That jus' seemin' outta place. Central Cee gotta quit stickin' in bats he thinks is hard jus' cause they soundin' good in his head. He got lines like "I lived in the hood wit crackers, my neighbour is a Karen!" First off, Karen a dumb name to be callin' any lady out here. Second, HE IS A CRACKER!!!! I ain't tryna diss son cause he white or anythin', but this so damn not-self-aware, I'mma be callin' him out for it. WORD!!!
The flow on the Mr. Chow bar gotta be the laziest crap I heard this year next to Logic on the Aquarius III intro track. Young Miko is rappin' now an' I guess it's aight. I dunno Elbonian or whateva the heck son be rappin' in. His English bars is sum typa drugged out soundin' stuff tho', son betta stick to Elbonian.
What a long, pointless typa song.
Beats - 5/10
Lyrics - 4/10
St. Patrick's - This startin' off witta Wu Tang sample. Central Cee low-key spittin'....then he kinda got off track forgettin' what he supposed to be talkin' 'bout. This gotta be the messiest thing ever. Son all ova the place wit' his lyrics. He soundin' like he worn out after a while. Skip.
Beats - 4/10
Lyrics - 5/10
GBP ft. 21 Average (21 Savage) - Central Cee talkin' aight. 21 Crumpets tryna sound like he goth or sumthin'.
Aight. This is a diss track. These cats tryna sneak diss. 21 Crumpets soundin' like he dissin' Kendrick Lamar an' Central Cee sound like he dissin' Cole. It's aight, but if I was either of those rappers, I woulda ignored the kid.
Summa 21's lyrics remindin' me of Maxo Kream tracks off Personification, but maybe I'm wrong, I dunno.
It's got an aight beat. The track jus' so lame y'all, I ain't scared of neither of those rappers if that track was bout me. Word.
Beats - 7/10
Lyrics - 5/10
Top Freestyle - This shit had better be a freestyle. Nahhhhhh. This thing too organised. Unless son a hidden genius, ain't no way he freestylin'. Son got nearly the same flow every damn song. Dang, this a lotta blather. Skip.
Beats - 6/10
Lyrics - 5/10
Up North - This aight but it feelin' like filler. He doin' this "stream of consciousness" typa mess I think. Then we got this dumb bar:
"Call me hospital, cause the life that I live is so hostile"
Seriously, what was y'all thinkin' wit' such a dumb pun. Is you three years old fam? Is you?!! This the typa mess I woulda expected PRESCHOOLERS to drop, ON ME!!
He jus' did it again: "German gun, they call it a Sig, even though there's no smoking allowed ".
Ya gonna make me throw you outta window son, word is bond, y'all gonna make me do it.
Beats - 5/10
Lyrics - 4/10
CRG ft. Dave - I dunno what generic ass brotha got on here, but "Dave"? Aight.
Son sayin' he CRIP now?????? Word? Y'all, I'mma quote that meme: "We used to kill people with hammers for sayin' stuff like that". Ain't threatenin' homie, that jus' how it is, word.
Dave rappin' now. It's aight, but got a coupla dumb puns. Central Cee got the hook soundin' like a fourth grader readin' his history lesson on Cuba or sumthin'. He also kinda obsessed wit bars bout how chicks oughta lose weight before gettin' together wit' him. I hadn't mentioned that befo', but now that son did that THREE TIMES, I'mma have to call it out, WORD!!
Beats - 5/10
Lyrics - 3/10
Limitless - Son got a nice soul song here. Let's see how he flip it. Not really. He jus' loopin' it. Now he talkin' in Spanish when I KNOW son ain't been anythin' near Spain. Now we gotta endure this weird lil shoutin sample they thrown on the beat too.
Beats - 5/10
Lyrics - 6/10
Now We're Strangers - Oh this startin' out wit' summa that Justin Beiber typa sangin' mess? This whole track 'bout how son lost this girl n' now he sad an' cryin', on sum typa Captain Save-a-Hoe typa shit. Word is bond y'all, ya gotta stop makin' anthems 'bout how you an' your boys runnin' trains on chicks, n' then cryin' when one leaves ya. You either Big Pimpin' or ya Big Simpin', ain't no space for both on one damn album. Word. This beat sound like it was composed by the Fisher Price team, shit coulda been sampled off "Baby's First Lullabies" CD or sumthin'.
Beats - 5/10
Lyrics - 6/10
Truth in the Lies ft. Lil Durk - AYO, this kid samplin' Melanie Martinez?! This whole shit alt rock, b?! The whole thing up in here soundin' like son done copped a page outta summa that soft shit they be marketin' to adolescent females who don't be knowin' they head from they tail. Lil Durk soundin' like they neutered him on here. Damn, this thing don't even fit wit' the album's vibe, SKIP.
Beats - 2/10
Lyrics - 5/10
Ten ft. Skepta - Skepta's an' aight rapper, let's see if he dope here. Central Cee's verse got a lotta softball typa bars like "I'm a bad man but I fuck good girls". Yea, typical.
Skepta brought an aight verse. It ain't what he's capable of, but son can do betta than this. At least the beat got a lil' kick to it, kinda helped since Cee kickin' the same dang flow nearly every song.
Beats - 7/10
Lyrics - 7/10
BAND4BAND ft. Lil Baby - This is aight, but the beat soundin' like it made outta drums over empty air. Central Cee spittin' sum generic-ass "Bitch I'm in the Club" typa bars. Lil Baby aight, jus' soundin' like he don't really wanna be here. He came out wit' this bar: "You the type like to type on computers". This what they be callin' "lyricism" today, word. That ain't lyricism, that's summa that mismatched metaphor typa mess.
Beats - 5/10
Lyrics - 6/10
Gen Z Luv - This gotta be the stupidest track here. Check this out y'all - son decided to rap 'bout pickin' up girls on IG. We got this beat that soundin' like it samplin' Fisher Price mess again. An' then:
"They say our relationship is childish
You're my baby, so I agree"
Word??? I ain't never heard of nobody till now who'd be cool wit' their relationship gettin' called childish. This whole thing a buncha IG, Tiktok talk typa mess. Shit soft as hell. Skip.
Beats - 4/10
Lyrics- 5/10
Walk in Wardrobe - The beat here 'bout as empty as the space between the ears of a lotta these Gen Alpha kids. We got this beat that jus' sound like son took a metronome, muted it a lil', n' threw some trippy music on it. Then, the bars here is terrible. We got this:
"Heart cold like the Polar Express"
The Polar Express was warm y'all. They was inside drankin' hot chocolate n' havin' fun. Miss me wit' that.
Then we get:
"I never entertain these guys, if I want drama, then my girl gon' start some"
Oh word?! You don't want no drama, but if you wanna fight, ya sendin' your chick over to start one? How this a flex son? How this a flex? Y'all be out here thinkin' ya girlfriend's ya bodyguard or sum typa mess? We also got "I ain't treatin' no ho like a princess, baby". Word??? I guess all that typa stuff you was talkin' on "Now We're Strangers" BS? Or is this the BS??
The second part aight, he samplin' Kai Cenet's voice on here, but still it ain't anythin' fire. Son jus' talkin' bout how he gangsta, an' he gonna part the crowd like Moses (every other rapper said this bar a million times) an' that typa mess.
Beats - 5/10
Lyrics - 5/10
Must Be - Yo, right off we got this generic ass trap beat n' two bars I gots to have a problem wit'.
"And they don't want smoke, so it must be vape"
I dunno where Central Cee been, but last time I checked, vapes make smoke y'all. That ain't even a hard bar, like how it gonna "BE" a vape??? How you even out here comin' up wit' this stuff, b? Y'all jus' throwin' togetha sum typa shit that sounds good to ya n' not really editin'?? Ain't never heard of nuthin' but a VAPE in the STATE OF BEING A VAPE, word!!
Then we got:
"If she don't wanna fuck, then she must be gay"
Any y'all ever though the chick jus' might not be feelin' ya? Like, she might be sayin' "Nah, this muthafucka rap kinda weird, lemme get outta here". That thought ever crossin' ya mind, b?
He gotta helluva lotta generic bars here, like there ain't a bar here that I can go an' say "Never heard this befo'". I'm already thinkin' Mobb Deep done said a lotta this shit befo', n' said it BETTER. Son's rhymin' lazy as all get out too.
Beats - 6/10
Lyrics - 5/10
Don't Know Anymore - We got sum piano soundin' like n' R&B joint. Then there's this Lily Kaplan chick here, but she don't match wit' the album vibe AGAIN. This whole thing Central Cee rappin' over a wack drumless beat for the first half. He finally throw in summa that bass after a bit tho'. The lyrics is aight, he doin' summa that struggle rap he be doin' now an' then the whole album. Son jus' soundin' like he grindin' out the same typa mess every day tho'.
Beats - 6/10
Lyrics - 6/10
Finally finished wit' that. Let's tally this up, yo:
This tape one of them albums that sound like it jus' come outta sum corporate factory. Like, word, I can hear the Garageband presets or whateva typa program son's producers be usin' for summa these soft beats. There's a lott tracks that got me thinkin' son needs to quit tryna sound like other people. Then we got a lotta R&B typa joints on here, includin' that thing that got such a damn cotton candy typa vibe it makin' Lil Durk look soft. An' Lil Durk killed a couple people. When your beats is makin' a killer sound like he shoppin' in the Maurices for sundresses, you KNOW oyu's got a problem. Word!!!
All in all, this tape ain't terrible, but it ain't fantastic either. If y'all be wantin' real dope rap witta British accent, n' not jus' a buncha talk 'bout how rich the kid is in a British accent, check out my man Ren. Son the perfect typa rapper from Wales, he got concept, he got good albums, mad dope lyrics n' flows. Central Cee got aight lyrics n' the same flow all day. So..........I'mma keep it a hunna wit' y'all, sayin' "At least you weren't TERRIBLE, b!" ain't a compliment, but it what I'mma have to say 'bout this tape. Aight, I'm outta here till next time y'all, PEACE!!
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