AYO, Ayo, ayo!! what the hell's up y'all!? This ya boy Young Denzel, n' I'm back outta the gate wit' anotha banger for y'all. We got the brotha Tyga here wit' his album "NSFW", meanin' Not Safe for Work in case y'all ain't hip to the slang they be usin' nowadays. Now I ain't neva really rocked wit' Tyga, son does got a coupla dope verses on a feature here or there, but I always be wantin' MORE from son, nahmean? I be wantin' him to come out an' try to rap hardcore an' be a real live Master of Ceremonies, ya feel me?? So nuff talk, mo' action. Let's jump into the review n' see if this cat gonna bring the heat, or if he jus' playin' 'round again.
It Ain't Safe - This thing startin' out wit' the kid on the intro talkin' tryna be a bit edgy, maybe like Ice Cube or sumthin', I dunno. This beat kinda soft, shit a trap beat, so it kinda got a lil' bit of kick. Son's rappin' now.
Aight. That gotta be summa the CORNIEST lines dropped right off the bat y'all. We got this "Move the crowd like a river with the cash flow, she give me dome like an astro". AYO, what the hell's up wit' these puns kid?? Ya soundin' like the jokes they used to be includin' in the back of Playboy mags, word!! This thing kinda comes up a lil betta towards the middle, then son comin' right back atcha wit' lines like "She on her knees like she tellin' me "Preach"". Ayo, rappers gotta stop soundin' like joke books, word.
Beats - 6/10
Lyrics - 6/10
Adrenaline - The beat here mad repetitive. The only thing redeemin' this beat is this lil' "whirrrrr" sound comin' in the beat now n' then. It ain't goin' no place, it ain't doin' nuthin'. Son shoulda jus' rapped over a drum loop n' had done wit' the shit. He rappin' aight, but we still gotta throw in them lame-ass bars like "She know I'm a Scorpio scorpion". The sangin' son doin' on the hook corny too. He soundin' like he tryna be Drake or The Weeknd when he S'POSED to be rappin', word. We got "She know I ain't Drake, but she wanna take care of me". Dumbass line, even if y'all vibin' wit' Champagne Floppy, that a wack bar. Overall, son's deliveyr here borin' as shit.
Beats - 6/10
Lyrics - 7/10
GFU ft. Mike Sherm - This soundin' like the same beat from "Adrenaline". The hook here's annoyin', an' Tyga still rappin' wit' this lame flow where he soundin' like he a zombie. We got this bar: "Pop one, pop test goin' spaceship, Moon rock, bitch turn to an alien".
Oh, n' this bar: "Drop a thun-thun on your tounge tounge". I KNOW what this bar be meanin', but y'all gotta hear the way son deliverin' this, he got it soundin' like a fuckin' nursery rhyme up in here, word. An' the way son sayin' "Can't feel my face CUZZZZ EETS TOO NUMMMMMM" jus' ridiculous. Miss me wit' that Kermit Frog impersonation you be doin' kid.
Mike Sherm's voice soundin' phoned in as fuck. The mixin' here ain't doin' a single favour for y'all, b. DAMN.
Beats - 6/10
Lyrics - 5/10
Dancin' Like Iz Pop - This title already a big red flag. Oh hell naw. This shit soundin' like some kid's stupid Youtube shit! My gosh, this beat candy canes n' unicorns. Tyga's sangin' all ova the beat, this whole thing got me feelin' I'm bein' assaulted wit' cotton candy wit' these synths that be soundin' like they on a diet or sumthin'. This beat musta been used as the siren for the HappyLand Ambulance or sumthin'. Fuck this beat. An' fuck your lame-ass, corny sangin' gimmick Tyga. Miss me wit' this. The lyrics here a buncha generic shit that I've heard before an' better from other rappers, but we got a coupla lines here worth talkin' 'bout. Like: "AM radio because we turn it into static". Tyga then had to go drag out Keith Sweat again for "I got hoes on me like Keith, make 'em break a Sweat". As if Keith ain't been mentioned in EVERY SINGLE DANG SONG for the past, what's it now son??? I think since the Wu Tang Clan was on a comeup?! Give us sumthin NEW, b! Damn! This ain't "Dancin' Like Iz Pop" this IS pop!!
Beats - 3/10
Lyrics - 4/10
Underdawg - Tyga's lyrics got two settin's. He either in Super Hoe Mode, or he in Squishie Cherub Mode. There ain't no in-between for son. This song in Squishie Cherub mode. He sangin' n' croonin' all over a beat any otha rapper, like, I dunno, Denzel Curry, woulda' torn apart. This an aight beat that needs summa that good lyricism on it - Tyga's in here thinkin' "lyricism" meanin' rappin' 'bout the exact same topic (smashin' girls) as on every other track, n' rhymin' "That" 4 times in a row wit' "That". LYRICISM. Amirite y'all?!?!?!?!
Nah fuck it, that shit lame.
Tyga cannot quit from talkin' 'bout smashin' chicks so far, n' that's anotha problem wit' this album. Even when he tryna tell you he's the best rapper, he ain't sayin' he the best cause he the most hype, or got the biggest vocabulary, NAHHHH, son sayin' he the best rapper cause he bangin' ya sista, AN' HER FRIENDS. Not cause he actually, ya know, uhhhh, raps.
Also we got lines like: "She give me brain like a know-it-all". We ALSO got this moment of self-contradictions:
"I heard your raps and I know it ain't fact
A life without drama, I'm prayin' for that"
Son. Hol' up. If you tellin' a kid to his FACE "I heard your raps an' know IT AIN'T FACT" then ya say "I don't want drama", ain't that lil' self defeatin'?? I don't mean to be petty but word, summa these rappers jus' be rhymin' wit'out proofreadin' their shit. I mean, summa y'all bars soundin' like they comin' from kids who be watchin' too much 9 Mile reruns n' drankin' Prime thinkin' they RAPPERS.
Beats - 7/10
Lyrics - 5/10
Gone - Tyga tryin' to rap a lil' harder here. There ain't nuthin' THAT corny to be talkin' 'bout, but son's hook soundin' phoned in or AI. It jus' don't got no life to it, unlike the rest of the song where he sound like he actually tryna do sumthin'. It's aight, except for a coupla parts where son don't be knowin' if he oughta rap or sing. Nuthin' interestin' tho'.
Beats - 7/10
Lyrics - 6/10
Dumb ft. Big Sean & Flo Milli - This track actually kinda dope. The beat carryin' everybody, n' I don't got no major problems wit Sean's verse although I don't usually be fuckin' wit' the kid like that. We got this "I got cameras watchin' cameras" bar which a lil' redundant but it ain't that bad. Flo Milli did her thing too. Tyga on here tryna sound like Big Sean n' fallin' flat tho'. I dunno why these rappers jus' let their features be carryin' the song, y'all oughta try to BEAT the features, word.
Beats - 7/10
Lyrics - 7/10
Pop It Off ft. Lil Wayne - The intro hook got this dumb line "Had a threesome, you was not involved". Of course we weren't. Like AYO TYGA!! Son!! You heard that like 65 million people AIN'T IN THE STUDIO WIT' YA??? Course we ain't involved. Wack bar, word!!!
The rest of the song - (refer to any other track for subject matter).
This right here gotta be the worst bar on the album so far "Difference is, same shit, different toilet". Different TOILET, b?! Do ya even hear whatcha sayin'??? I thought we left them bathroom jokes back in 8th grade, b. Grow up!
This boy Wayne tho'...he gotta retire. He got the absolutely worst verse on this album. The verse WACK, an' worse than wack, it makin' me feel sorry for homie! I'mma jus' give this one line to y'all: "Y'all gon' make Weezy Baby take the diaper off".
That oughta tell ya how Weezy's verse went.
Beats - 6/10
Lyrics- 4/10
Magnetic ft. Shenseea - The intro of this song soundin' like a borin' drug high. The only thing really interestin' here is this Shenseea chick rappin' 'bout bein' a gold-digger. I ain't jus' callin' her that, she SAYIN' that shit. Then we got this line from her: "And even if you die, I make it come back to life like it's immortal". I don't be knowin' what exactly shawty gonna be doin' but uhhhh...I don't think you be doin' that sista.
Beats - 5/10
Lyrics - 4/10
Find Out - This thing a "love song" as opposed to every other damn song here bein' a "lust song". We got wack lines like "Birkin, Birkin, Birkin, Birkin, itsa birthday". The whole thing cheesy, over a beat that musta sampled the music Tyga heard when he was on hold wit' AT&T. Afta all them lust songs, this one soundin' corny as hell, word is bond.
Beats - 4/10
Lyrics - 5/10
Found Someone ft. Cher - I dunno how Tyga got Cher up in here. Maybe Cher's goin' broke or sumthin', I dunno. Her vibe ain't matchin' this album at all, soundin' like an opera interruption, dang it. This jus' a continuation of the last song wit' Cher runnin' in sumtimes wit' them annoyin' ass vocals soundin' like she the interruptin' cow or sumthin' - no offense sista. Skip.
Beats - 5/10
Lyrics - 5/10
My Turn - This beat soundin' like it on a perc or sumthin'. Them drums all ova the place, nahmean. We got this kid spittin' corny bars like "Yeah, baby, give me top, heard it's top tier" in this voice that sounds like he been stuck in carbonite for the past hundred years an' Wayne n' all thse other YMCMB-ABCEDEFG rappers jus' broke him out again. At one part he rappin' like Kermit the Frog again, but we got this line "Lookin' at your diamonds, nigga, that's tinfoil". TINFOIL??? Ain't noways the kids you be talkin' 'bout make TINFOIL DIAMONDS. You be knowin' what tinfoil is?? What it LOOKS LIKE B?? Dang, get a proofreader, nahmean?!
Beats - 6/10
Lyrics - 4/10
Twiami - This anotha of them Tyga songs that be soundin' like it the same song as before. We've got "Like a bear in the pussy, I was hibernatin'" which don't be makin' no sense, nor sound appealin'. Neither does "Skeet on a bitch, now she look laminated". Ayo....son. Hold up. You makin these dumbass rhymes ain't nobody gonna be feelin'. You soundin' like my nine year old cousin when he be readin' his history lesson in front of the class - all stiff n mumbly-like. The beat got a coupla misplaced kicks in here that sound like Mom cookin' up stir fry n' bangin' pots n' pans. Wack.
Beats - 5/10
Lyrics - 6/10
Stripper Girl - Oh shit. This anotha one of them sangin' ballads. We got these soft, wack bars like "Did four years of cAWWWllege, but you been goin' dumb, girl". Son soundin' like a bad Drake parody. OR Kermit the Frog, take ya pick fam. Part of the hook's wack, we got this "You wavin' at the opps, I think I see a opp". Why??? Ayo, this shit soft n' wack. Skip.
Beats - 5/10
Lyrics - 5/10
Whodie ft. Lil TJay - What's this shit? This s'posed to be ya take on Afrobeats son? This crap soundin' like discounted lounge music. Lil Tjay's verse kinda aight, not sumthin' I woulda wanted to say I spit myself, nahmean, but yo, Tyga's verse soundin' 'bout as full of energy as my late great-grandmother. Did Tyga even wanna be here?!
Beats - 4/10
Lyrics - 4/10
Popstar Shawty ft. Ty Dolla Sign - This hook annoyin'. Tyga musta been smokin' sumthin' when he did this, mess soundin' again like discount lounge music, like the lounge music they decided was too damn black or sumthin'. Wack soft shit, nahmean?! I could put kittens to sleep playin' this rap, WORD!! Ty Dolla Sign got this verse that jus' a buncha fluff, y'all ain't missin' nuthin' here, jus' a buncha rhymes 'bout jewels n' eatin' ass.
Beats - 4/10
Lyrics - 3/10
Slave - This is startin' out aight. It's aight. We got an aight beat too. This thing seemin' like a take on Squabble Up from Kendrick Lamar if he was into makin' sex raps. I dunno 'bout y'all, but son be in here lookin' like a Filipino ladyboy an' rappin' like he Quagmire from Family Guy. I can't take son seriously at all, n' this beat gotta be samplin' the Fisher Price theme song or sum shit, namsayin'?
Beats - 6/10
Lyrics - 6/10
Aight. Let's add all this mess up y'all:
That whole thing was weak, n' y'all can peep the 50% - F Minus - score an' see. A lotta the beats on here either corny or soft, summa the beats jus' straight-up WACK. I mean, it's cool if you samplin' soft tunes for beats n' you know how to flip that shit so it don't put brothas to sleep, nahmean? But these DJs, DAMN. It be feelin' like they jus' took the sleepiest parts they coulda found n' jus' thrown it in there, maybe looped it or sumthin'. Nuthin' else.
I'mma keep it real wit' y'all, I don't see how son still out here sellin' n' meanwhile, people is out here hatin' on REAL SPITTAS. This fool raps like he either a frog witta bass drum stuck up in his mouth, or he the body of sum brotha that died back in the 1960s n' they jus' dug his ass up n' gave him a mic. He ain't got no soul in none of this mess, like son's talkin' bout eatin' ass n' box, but I don't feel like he ENJOYIN' that mess none, namsayin'? I mean, jus' check out this disc y'all - homeboy got washed by BIG SEAN n' LIL TJAY. HOW YOU GET WASHED BY THEM BUSTAS SON?????! Ya gotta be kiddin' me! How you a "professional rapper" n' gettin' washed by some squeaky voiced motherfucka who be lookin' like A$ap Rocky had a baby witta rat? I don't be getting that at all, namsayin'? This whole tape an insult to my intellect. If I be wantin' to hear sex rap, I'mma be playin' DJ Quik's "Safe + Sound" or sum shit like that. This homie Tyga owes me back for the time I wasted reviewin' his wack nonsense. Aight, on that note, I'm outta here y'all. Peace.
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